My username is Fan0102 or Somefan0102, but you can call me Fan or Somefan.
I go by he/him pronouns.
I pretty much like programming, listening to or making music, and designing games, but only when I'm not preoccupied! There's probably not much left to say, but you can probably get more of me by seeing what I do!
I have several accounts you can reach out to, sorted by activity.
You can say hi to me or know that I exist. Your choice.
You can publicize or share any of my content in this website to other users freely, but be sure to mention or link to me as the creator of that said content if necessary. Don't be evil or steal/claim any of my content as your own in any way.
If you want to use my content for any reason, please get my permission first! You can do this by contacting me via any of the accounts in the previous section or through my guestbook.