Blogy: "Hold On 3"

Published on August 6, 2024

Things are looking good so far!

A day or so after the last entry I made, I joined as a Neocities supporter, which means I now have access to some features while working on my website revamp.

As of now, the only two features I've already appreciated having are having no restrictions on which types of files to upload and having an increase in data to store for my website. However, for the "custom domain" thing, I don't think I'll earn one in the meantime. I actually didn't know that I would have to get one registered, but oh well! The more you know!

Update about the website revamp: I'm pretty much almost done with the CSS styling, I just need to do a bit of cleaning up and a further bit of modifications to call that done. The next thing I'll do will be to finish up on the Blogy and Guestbook sections, but I'd rather not say more, I don't want to ruin more of the surprise.

Also, I just got MAMP installed recently, so this means I can easily host my upcoming website on my computer locally without no longer having it under construction publicly. This application also makes it easy to execute PHP code, and I had a bit of an interest in doing that, regardless of whether Neocities supports it.

With these terms, I think the website will be back up by next week, but I'm not too sure. Still, that's all for now, I'll post again soon. Bye!