Blogy: "Website Revamp!"

Published on August 12, 2024

The website has now been revamped successfully!

It's been almost a week since I've worked on this regularly. For now, I might take a break before making any small consectutive updates. Still, I did enjoy the project of reconstructing this website.

Now that I'm finished, I'll quickly go over the major stuff I added and revised for this website, as well as making a few of my comments of it:

New styling

'Nothing better to talk about a new fresh start than a new fresh look!

I wouldn't say my CSS skills have improved substantially, but this style still manages to have a decent overhaul compared to my last website iteration, Blue. Also, for this new iteration, I've named it Cool, as in the chilly kind.

For simplicity, I'm only going to go over the three main key differences I made:

First off, I made the background more blue. Second, I made the container a little bit more centered and narrow, and lastly, but not "leastly", I've included a new font, Josefin (which first debuted on my "under construction" page) to mostly help with my title and headers.

The latter was because I didn't want any of the text to still be all samey-samey with the Poppins font. Additionally, I've also made it so that the Josefin font would cast a nice shadow.

Still, there are other small differences too, but if you want to compare the two and step back a bit to the previous iteration as well, you can hop over to the Archives.

New stuff

For Blue, I've only presented, like, only one fragment of stuff before the revamp. Well, not anymore! For this iteration and the time being, I've done and added four items to my Stuff page: my games, music, website's archives, and my small webcomic site!

It may not be much, but I hope more stuff will get added when more time passes.


Finally, to accompany with the new revamp, I've added a Guestbook, since I had always wanted to add one to my website. You can sign it by submitting your response through Google Forms.

Of course, I'll always have to update it manually, whenever I have the time and whenever a new response comes out, but, still, it executes fine for the time being.


That's all the stuff I've got covered. Again, I hope I'll do some small updates and additions after this one, but for now, I'll take a break and will seeya later.